The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed.
Traditional dance in Indonesia reflects the country's diversity of ethnicities and cultures. There are more than 700 ethnic groups in Indonesia: Austronesian roots and Melanesian tribal forms are visible, and influences ranging from neighboring Asian and even western styles through colonization.
Not only save the virtuous historical value, but the historical building in Indonesia also have very high architectural value. Many eyes are already recognize the beauty and splendor..
The flora of Indonesia consists of many unique varieties of tropical plants. Blessed with a tropical climate and around 18,000 islands, Indonesia is a nation with the second largest biodiversity in the world. The flora of Indonesia reflects an intermingling of Asian, Australian and the native species.
Red Island beach located at the foot of Mount Tumpang Pitu. It’s a beach resort located in Banyuwangi southern tip and have a unique form of a small mountain in the middle of the coast. This place get its name from the red color of its soil. In the south part of the island we can enjoy a beautiful sunset in the evening. About 50 meters in west of the port, there’s a big total-fresh fish auction.
The beach is quite natural because one of the tourist sites in the southern coastal areas pristine. Red Island beach also has good waves for surfing. When the sea receded, the visitors can visit this place on foot and enjoy the uniqueness of a small mountain in the middle of the beach where the soil is red, it caused it's called Red Island Beach.
Red Island is a small hill-shaped island near the coast with white sandy beach approximately 3 km. Red Island Beach is located about 60 kilometers from the city to the south of Banyuwangi. To reach these attractions will takes two and a half hours. Also damaged paved roads will make the trip become a test for your patience. Most of the Red Island beach at the foot of Tumpang Pitu Mountain which Overlapping hundreds meters and it’s also a protected forest.
Green belt which encircle along the coast, become a great barrier for a safer area for the Tsunami disaster that ever occurred here, in 1993. But the enormity of the disaster was almost obliterate the beauty of the island. But now Red Island rebounded with its trademark: the red soil. Remarkably, the place is clean of trash and you can find some colorful shells.
Not enough to enjoy the beauty of the red beach, visitors might enjoy watching a professional surfer who tried to conquer the waves of the Red Island. With its 4-5 meters high wave, it makes Red Island frequently visited by tourists from France, Germany, and Australia.
Green Canyon is a place that will not be missed when visiting the Pangandaran area. This is not excessive because it offers a unique tourist attractions are hard to come from other attractions. Beautiful scenery and the beauty offered in the Green Canyon that before called as Cukang Taneuh.
Green Canyon tourist attractionsare locatedinKertayasa village, ciamis, West Java, it’s about 31 kmfromPangandaran. The name of GreenCanyonwas introducedby travelersfromFrance. Thegreenishcolor ofriverwatermaybe the reason whythis placeis calledGreenCanyon. While theprevious name is CukangTaneuh that meansland bridge,because of thebridgewith a width of3 metersandup to 40meterslongthat connects Kertayasa village withBatukaras village.
Cijulang River
The main purpose isthecavetunnelunderthe land bridge, that known as GreenCanyonCave. To reachthe cave, youshould down the river by using a boatwhich calledketinting. Thisboatcanbe boarded byonly5passengers. The price rents for theboatsorketintingis IDR75.000,-perboat. The time that required for travel from Ciseureuh pier to the cave is about 30 minutes.
On theside ofCijulang riveryoucan enjoy a hillcliff thatovergrown withlushgreen treesand rocks thatdecorate it.The tripwill not beboringbecausebeautiful sceneryandrelaxedto enjoythe river flow. Useketintingcanalsocreate anunique experience. When almost arrived, the line will be narrowed so you have to change the boat to come in this line. You will be directed by the tourist guide.
Beautiful sceneryawaits youafter the long trip. Youcanenjoya solidside of the cavetosee thestalactitesand stalagmitesthat are stilldrippingwater. Watercontinuouslyissuedon the cliffso that the areais referred toastheeternalrain. You can alsoswimin thecaveby usinga float. Youwillfeel thewateris cold andrefreshing. Thescenery most beautifulwhilewatchingPalatar waterfallinclude in theGreenCanyonCave. Swimming incold water whileenjoying thehigh cliffsandsee thestalactitesandstalagmitescertainly anunforgettableexperience.
GreenCanyonorCukangTaneuhis abeautifultourist attractionsin thearea ofPangandaran. If you intend to visit this place, better if you go when dry season, because the color of Cijulang river is Tosca Green. While in the rainy season, the color of water will be brown. In additionto therainy seasonthe riverwateris likelyto beposted orriverwaterflowis tooswift, so the place was closedfor publicfor the safetyof visitors.