Indonesia Diversity

The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sawarna Beach, Bayah

Sawarna beach is located in Sawarna Village, Bayah, Lebak District, Banten. Within 150 km of Rangkasbitung (Lebak Capital) is more complete with spectacular waves, perfect for surfing sports lovers. Not surprisingly, beaches are opened for public is becoming a new haven for surfers from Australia, Japan, and Korea. One of the favorite spots of surfers...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tidung Island, Thousand Islands

  Tidung Island is one of the villages in the Thousand Islands, Jakarta. The island is divided into two part, Big Tidung Island and Small Tidung Island. The island also has a considerable population. Tidung Island region is a unique place, especially for marine tourism and diving. Coral reef ecosystems in this island has great beauty, especially...

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